HR Services

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Our HR Services

First Interview Service was established to help budget-conscious employers make the best hiring decision. The simple truth is this — sourcing and interviewing candidates to fill your critical openings can be a big drain on most businesses and their staff. It’s also disruptive to daily operations and lacks confidentiality. You can use us for any aspect of project.

Normally you know someone is a “NO” in the first few minutes of a personal interview, yet keep going to be courteous, feel stuck or hope they’ll prove you wrong. This is unfair to the candidate and certainly a big waste of your time. Our full service program eliminates many issues and saves you those wasted hours, and sometimes days, out of your busy week interviewing unqualified people.

Hiring right is crucial for any employer as each new hire is a bigger part of the team. Our service specializes in good old fashion recruiting of candidates based on each client’s specific job requirements. We also use the latest technology to promote your openings on job sites, business networks, advertising venues and much more.

By using our interviewing specialists we secure excellent candidates for less, saving you time, money and stress. Our HR expertise allows you to get ahead of your competitors in order to hire the best candidates available in the market.

Our model is an affordable hourly fee and there are no long-term contracts. We stand behind our work with an unconditional guarantee.

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